Monday, May 3, 2010

Job 38-40 - Matthew 15:21-39

Day 24 --- Job 38-40 - Matthew 15:21-39 April 28
The Lord finally spoke to Job and throughout 38 and 39 he questioned what Job can do and made references to what the Lord can do. After God continued to question Job he told Job to speak. Job said, “ I am unworthy, how can I speak? I put my hand over my mouth and spoke once but I have no answer.” God told him to brace himself like a man and answer when he is questioned.
In Matthew Jesus and his disciples went up the mountainside and was greeted by crowds of people, the crippled, the mute, etc. After he healed them Jesus said that he had compassion on the people and did not want them to go hungry. This time he fed 4,000 people with 7 loaves of bread and a few small fish.