Monday, May 3, 2010

Job 32-33 Matthew 14:1-21

Day 21 --- Job 32-33 - Matthew 14:1-21 April 25
Elihu was fed up with Job’s word and that the 3 men before him could not silence Job. He spoke up and told him he did not want to speak up before because he was young but now he wants to share his wisdom. He told Job that he listened to all of Job’s complaint but to listen to his words. He tells Job that God is greater than humans and he will not directly speak to him, he will speak through visions.
Herod captured John the Baptist but was nervous to kill him because people considered him a prophet. It was Herodias birthday and she asked Herold to bring her John the Baptist’s head on platter, and she got what she asked for. The disciples buried his body and went and told Jesus. Jesus then fed 5 thousand people with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. There was left over bread, Jesus blessed the food and fed that many people. That is so amazing to me.