Monday, May 3, 2010

Job 28-29

Job 28-29 Matthew 13:1-30 Day 19 April 23
As I was walking through San Diego I thought how beautiful the city was and the water. I love to see places I have never seen before and it is amazing how diverse the earth was. I noticed a lot of homeless people and I thought about them almost the whole day. I am so quick to judge them and think they are all lazy and useless. What do I know? Who am I to judge? God wants us to love one another and let him do the judging, I had a whole different outlook after thinking about the verses I have been reading.
The verses in Job I read tonight was Job talking about how he is longing for the months gone by and when god watched over him. He misses when God’s friendship blessed his house and his children were all around him.
The disciples asked Jesus why he talks in parables and Jesus told him the knowledge of heaven has been given to you but not to them. Whoever has will be given more and he will have abundance. A parable is an earthly story revealing a heavenly truth. (Thank you chadd for that clarification ahah