Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Genesis 4-6 Matthew 2

DAY 2: Genesis 4-6 Matthew 2
As i was reading genesis the Lord asked Noah to build a boat 450 ft long because God was flooding the Earth. Most people know the story, but God was so upset with how corrupt the world had became. He was upset at what humans had done to the precious land. How have humans changed since then? Makes me wonder how we can destroy what our Father has given us. In geography class tonight we actually learned the genealogy of Jesus, just as i read last night. We learned it to better understand the different religions in the middle east. Matthew 2 is such an amazing story oh prophets and the angel that appeared to Joseph telling him where to go. This was the birth of Jesus. A classmate in my geography class passed away this week,he was 23. May god bless him and his family.
Hold fast...he is coming