Monday, April 5, 2010

Genesis 1-3 , Mathew 1

Day 1: My Journey begins
Genesis has always been one of my favorite books and I love reading on how the world was made. Scientists fuss about the big bang theory, but maybe there is evidence of the "big bang" but did they ever consider it was God's creation? I think we need to remember that on the seventh day God rested, and Sunday is our day of rest. The Hebrew translation for the origin of the noun Sabbath is rested, hints the Sabbath Day. As I read Chapter 2 about the Garden of Eden and how the rivers that ran through it were Tigris and Euphrates, it made me wonder how some people believe the Garden of Eden is in Missouri. I reached Chadd's favorite part of the bible and as I was reading out loud in bed, i heard him laugh. A woman was created for a man. It makes me wonder if Adam and Eve did not eat from the tree of good and evil what our lives would be like. Could you imagine walking around naked and not knowing you were naked? It states in Genesis that woman experience pain in childbirth because Eve ate the apple from the tree, thank you eve! As i watch the news about the war and Pakistan (currently on the news) makes me sick to think what we did to this Earth that the Lord has created for us. The middle east is where it all began, and now look at it.
Matthew 1 is the record of genealogy of Jesus