Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 88 --- Deuteronomy 14-16 - Luke 5:1-16

Day 88 --- Deuteronomy 14-16 - Luke 5:1-16

The lord commanded them to eat certain foods and to avoid the ones that are unclean. He told them about tithes and debt. I thought it was interesting that he said no one should be poor because they are to help one another. If only we followed the same concept today, maybe the world would be different. He then explained passover, feasts, judges, and first born animals.

Jesus called the disciples in Luke 5. He commanded simon to go back out fishing and simon said, master we have been out all day and have not caught anything." When they went back out they caught so many fish their nets almost broke and Jesus told them, now you will catch men.