Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 143 --- Psalm 9 - Psalm 11 - John 8:1-27

Day 143 --- Psalm 9 - Psalm 11 - John 8:1-27

I heard this in church the other day. In John 8: a woman was caught in the act of adultry and the people wanted to stone her to death. Jesus told them to cast the first stone if you have never sinned. No one threw the first stone and he told the woman to go and leave her life of sin. Jesus knows our hearts. If we ask for forgiveness we will receive it if he knows our heart is true. I am not perfet and make mistakes all the time, I struggle with things in my life. I pray that Jesus knows my heart and knows who I am. I know he does.

If you know Jesus, you will know his father.