Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 62 --- Leviticus 15-16 - Mark 8:22-38

Day 62 --- Leviticus 15-16 - Mark 8:22-38

I got to put in a song I heard at church, I lost gospel music and this song is awesome. When we are about to fall apart, remember that you will ALWAYS be safe in his arms. He is my strength my comfort and I feel safe with him. My faith has blossomed and I love you God with all my heart and will never deny you.

Today I had a hard time dealing with my deployment and I don't want to be lonely. Then I remembered Jesus talking to his disciples. When the disciples doubted him, he often said, "haven't you learned nothing." I thought about that and I have learned so much about trusting God to take care of my needs. This is my promise to you Lord, that I will trust you to take care of me the next 5 months and get my family through this time. I put my faith and trust in you.

Atonement was to be conducted once a year for all the sins of the Israelites. Leviticus also talks about the different discharges of female/male and how do conduct cleansing. In Mark 8 22-38 Jesus healed a blind man and restored his eye sight. I thought about how complicated the eyes are and even the human body, and how Jesus can heal in seconds. What a miracle. Jesus predicts his death and explains that if anyone denies him then the father will deny him. People thought of Jesus as a prophet, John the Baptist, Elijah but Peter said, "You are Christ." Then Jesus warned them not to tell anyone this.