Sunday, May 16, 2010

Day 41 --- Exodus 9-11 - Matthew 25:31-46

Day 41 --- Exodus 9-11 - Matthew 25:31-46

The Lord then casts the Plague on Livestock and all the livestock in Egypt were effected but none of the Israelites livestock were. The Pharaoh still refused. The Plague of Boils was next and Pharaoh still did not believe Moses and would not let his people go. The Plague of Hail was next and it was the worst hail storm in Egypt and anyone who did not go inside would surely die. The Pharaoh told Moses he would let his people go, but then sinned again. Moses needed Pharaoh to know that the Earth was God's. The next two were the plague of locusts and the plague of darkness. Pharaoh ordered Moses to stay away or he will kill Moses. Next was the Plague of the First born and every first born of livestock and human would die in Egypt and God made a distinction between Israel and egypt.

Matthew is a powerful book and talks how God will separate the righteous from the evil.

"Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life