Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 73 --- Numbers 9-11 - Mark 14:1-26

Day 73 --- Numbers 9-11 - Mark 14:1-26

Numbers 9 talks about the passover. It goes on and talks about the quail from the Lord. The Israelites were wailing that they had no meat to eat and they were better off in Egypt. The lord told them they would eat meat everyday until it was coming out of their nostrils for forty days because of their complaining.

The last supper happened in mark 14 and Jesus told them that one of the disciples will betray him and all of them said not I. He said it would of been better for this person never to be born. A women dumped expensive perfume on Jesus and she was criticized for doing this. Jesus told them to leave her alone she has done a great thing. Jesus will not be here forever and she is preparing him for burial.