Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 83 --- Deuteronomy 1-2 - Luke 2:1-24

Day 83 --- Deuteronomy 1-2 - Luke 2:1-24

In Deuteronomy Moses talked about the Israelites not trusting God. They questioned God's intentions over and over again in Numbers and in Exodus. They wondered if Egypt was better than following God. This made God angry that they did not trust him. I try to always remember to trust Jesus. I am already missing home pretty bad but i keep telling myself to trust God, he knows best.

Luke 2: is the birth of Jesus and how Mary and Joseph had him at a stable because there was no room for an inn. I think today we are so spoiled by hospitals and luxuries, i could not imagine having a baby in a barn! but god was with Mary through this. An angel appeared to Shepards in a field and told them not to be afraid because he brings good news! The angel told them about Jesus and they went to Bethlehem to see for themselves.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 82 --- Numbers 34-36 - Luke 1:57-80

Day 82 --- Numbers 34-36 - Luke 1:57-80

Numbers talks about the boundaries of Canaan and who is assigned what land. Then follows the city of refugee and God talks about the definition of a murderer and how one needs to be put to death if they intentionally murder. This is the book of Numbers.

When John the Baptist was born his father began to speak again when asked what he should name the baby. People wondered who is John and what will he turn out to be because the Lord was surely with him. Zacheriah sung a song to the Lord

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 81 --- Numbers 31-33 - Luke 1:39-56

Day 81 --- Numbers 31-33 - Luke 1:39-56
In numbers 33 the lord told Moses to record the stages in the Israelites Journey. this is helpful because they do move around so often.

Mary entered Elizabeth's home and rejoiced about the good things the Lord has done for them. She sang a song,
And Mary said:
"My soul glorifies the Lord
47and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48for he has been mindful
of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
49for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
holy is his name.
50His mercy extends to those who fear him,
from generation to generation.
51He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
52He has brought down rulers from their thrones
but has lifted up the humble.
53He has filled the hungry with good things
but has sent the rich away empty.
54He has helped his servant Israel,
remembering to be merciful
55to Abraham and his descendants forever,
even as he said to our fathers."
She stayed with Elizabeth for 3 months, and then returned home.

Day 80 --- Numbers 28-30 - Luke 1:21-38

Day 80 --- Numbers 28-30 - Luke 1:21-38
The Lord said to Moses to give the Israelites these commands. He talks about the different types of offerings and feasts. The Lord also gave Moses the regulations concerning relationships between a husband and wife and a father and daughter still living at home.

An angel appeared to Mary and told her she is going to be pregnant and she is to name the baby Jesus, Son of God. Mary was confused and said how will that be since I am a virgin. The holy spirit will come upon her and with God ANYTHING is possible.

Numbers 26-27 Luke 1: 1-20

Numbers 26-27 Luke 1: 1-20

The second census was conducted to find men that were able to fight and 20 years of age or older. Makes me wonder why it was 20, when it is 18 today. Joshua succeeds to Moses and he laid his hands on him and commissioned him at the lord instructed through Moses.

Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth were unable to get pregnant. Both of them were upright in the sight of god. Angel Gabriel came down to tell them that Elizabeth with become pregnant. She told him be his to name him John, later to be known as John the baptist.

Numbers 23-25 Mark 16

Numbers 23-25 Mark 16

Balamm’s first, second, third, fourth, oracle and final oracle happened in 23-34. Men in Israel were indulging and immortality, as a result the lord had moses put them to death and God cast down a plague that killed 24,000.
When the Sabbath was over Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to the 11 disciples and rebuked them for their lack of faith. He told them to go and preach the word and after he spoke he went up to heaven and sat at the right hand of God. Then the disciples did as he said and preached everywhere with God working inside them. This is the book of Mark.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 76 --- Numbers 17-19 - Mark 15:1-25

Day 76 --- Numbers 17-19 - Mark 15:1-25

Numbers consists of the budding of Aarons staff. It also includes the procedure for water of cleansing and what is unclean and clean.

Pilate asked if he should release the king of the jews and the people screamed, crucify him! when he asked what crime he had committed they just screamed, crucify him! The soldiers mocked him and then crucified him on the third hour

Day 75 --- Numbers 15-16 - Mark 14:54-72

Day 75 --- Numbers 15-16 - Mark 14:54-72

Jesus told Peter that he would deny him three times. Peter told Jesus he would never deny him. When a servant girl asked if he was with Jesus, he said Not I. After he denied him three times he heard a rooster crow and he broke down and wept when he remembered what Jesus had said to him.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 74 --- Numbers 12-14 - Mark 14:27-53

Day 74 --- Numbers 12-14 - Mark 14:27-53
The Israelites did not trust God and wondered if they should go back to Egypt for a better life. Because of their sins the covenant and land promised to them was broken. God promised that he would be there and protect them from war if they came under sword. Because they broke the covenant, they were attacked and killed by the Cannanites.

Jesus predicts Peter's betrayal and Peter said he would never and would die with Jesus. Judah returned and kissed Jesus and had him arrested. He was the one who betrayed Jesus and had him arrested for money. Just as Jesus had predicted.

The spirit is willing, but the body is weak

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 73 --- Numbers 9-11 - Mark 14:1-26

Day 73 --- Numbers 9-11 - Mark 14:1-26

Numbers 9 talks about the passover. It goes on and talks about the quail from the Lord. The Israelites were wailing that they had no meat to eat and they were better off in Egypt. The lord told them they would eat meat everyday until it was coming out of their nostrils for forty days because of their complaining.

The last supper happened in mark 14 and Jesus told them that one of the disciples will betray him and all of them said not I. He said it would of been better for this person never to be born. A women dumped expensive perfume on Jesus and she was criticized for doing this. Jesus told them to leave her alone she has done a great thing. Jesus will not be here forever and she is preparing him for burial.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 72 --- Numbers 7-8 - Mark 13:21-37

Day 72 --- Numbers 7-8 - Mark 13:21-37

In Numbers 7 it is the dedication of the alter when it was anointed and the offerings the Israelites brought.

Jesus continues talking about the end of the world. No ones knows the hour or the day which he will come, but Jesus said watch and be alert. It could happen at midnight, in the day, or when the rooster crows. Not even the angels in heaven know the day he is coming, no one but the Father.

Day 71 --- Numbers 5-6 - Mark 13:1-20

Day 71 --- Numbers 5-6 - Mark 13:1-20
Numbers 5 talks about the restitution for wrong doings and also talks about the test a women has to do to see if she is impure. If her husband suspects her sleeping with another person, he is to take her to the priest and the priest will conduct a test. If she has not the water will do nothing, but if she has it will eat away her thigh and make her abdomen swell. In Numbers 6 The Lord told Moses to have Aaron and his sons bless the Israelites by saying, 24 " '
"The LORD bless you
and keep you;

25 the LORD make his face shine upon you
and be gracious to you;

26 the LORD turn his face toward you
and give you peace." '

This is said at the church I went to growing up when the pastor leaves the pulpit. Now I understand why.

In Mark Jesus talked about the end of the world and this is what he said,
8Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.

I can't help but hope that the Lord will come soon. Nations rise against other Nations, earthquakes in various places and famines. No one knows when he is coming, but I can't help but wonder if we are already experiencing birth pains.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 70 --- Numbers 3-4 - Mark 12:28-44

Day 70 --- Numbers 3-4 - Mark 12:28-44
Numbers 3-4 is the account of the family of Aaron and Moses at the time the LORD talked with Moses on Mount Sinai. Levites, Kohathites, Gershonites, and Merarites.

Jesus was asked what commandment was most important to him. Jesus said,
0Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'There is no commandment greater than these."

I have so much trouble understanding the world and the hate in the world. Jesus is telling us to love everyone as we would our self. But look at how we treat each other on earth. Look at the war and the hatred between countries. Are we so ignorant that we think that we are not all God's children? This is why the war in Iraq is so frustrating to me because I see the world as a family and most christians do. I just wish everyone had Jesus in their hearts and see that we are all on this Earth together.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 69 --- Numbers 1-2 - Mark 12:1-27

Day 69 --- Numbers 1-2 - Mark 12:1-27

The Lord commanded Moses to have the Israelites count how many people are over the age of 20 and are able to serve in the army and separate them by clans. Total there was 603,550 men able to fight. The Israelites did everything that the Lord had commanded and encamped under their standards each with his clan and family.

Jesus told a parable of the tenants and it is a pretty easily understood parable. In the parable a man planted a vineyard and sent his only son that he loved to pick the fruit even though the tenants were killing the servants he sent.

Day 68 --- Leviticus 26-27 - Mark 11:19-33

Day 68 --- Leviticus 26-27 - Mark 11:19-33

God told the Israelites that he will always keep his covenant and he will bless them with good land and crops. He told them not to make idols and bow down to objects. He is Lord, the one who brought them out of Egypt and saved them.
If they do not listen to God then he will bring disease, terror, and fever to them. He will destroy their crops and fruit and send animals to destroy their animals. The Lord told them that if they confess their sins they will still be punished but he will remember the covenant and not destroy them completely.
This is the book of Leviticus.

And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 67 --- Leviticus 25 - Mark 11:1-18

Day 67 --- Leviticus 25 - Mark 11:1-18

I put this video in because in leviticus it is about the year of jubilee and this song has it in. I remembered this from church camp when i was younger.

As Jesus was going to Jerusalem he entered in a triumph riding a colt while his disciples laid their coats on the horse and on the path he road in.

Day 67 --- Leviticus 25 - Mark 11:1-18

Day 67 --- Leviticus 25 - Mark 11:1-18

I put this video in because in leviticus it is about the year of jubilee and this song has it in. I remembered this from church camp when i was younger.

As Jesus was going to Jerusalem he entered in a triumph riding a colt while his disciples laid their coats on the horse and on the path he road in.

Day 66 --- Leviticus 23-24 - Mark 10:32-52

Day 66 --- Leviticus 23-24 - Mark 10:32-52
Moses announced the appointed feasts for the Lord to the Israelites. A man blasphemed God and the Lord said to stone him. He talked about an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a fracture for a fracture. If someone kills a man, they deserve to die. This is one of the reasons why capital punishment is so complicated, because to the religious it is explained why, but those not religious do not want to listen to the word of god.

Jesus again predicts his death and also heals a blind man that was calling for Jesus on the side of the road. His faith healed him and made him see again.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 65 --- Leviticus 21-22 - Mark 10:1-31

Day 65 --- Leviticus 21-22 - Mark 10:1-31

Moses told the Israelites rules for the priests and restrictions on marriage and sacrifices.

Jesus talked about divorce and that divorcing is adultery, unless an affair occurs. He also talks about marrying someone that has had a divorce is always adultery. He then talked to the rich young man and told him to sell everything he has. it is easier for a camel to enter heaven through the eye of a needle then with money.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Day 64 --- Leviticus 19-20 - Mark 9:30-50

Day 64 --- Leviticus 19-20 - Mark 9:30-50

In Leviticus God told Moses the laws the Israelites are to live by. He also told him the punishments for these sins and what is not tolerated. In Mark Jesus told the disciples the son of man will be betrayed, killed,and rise on the third day. They had no idea what he was talking about and was too scared to ask. Jesus told them it is better to cut off your hand if it causes you to sin because it is better to enter the kingdom of heaven with one hand then hell with two.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 63 --- Leviticus 17-18 - Mark 9:1-29

Day 63 --- Leviticus 17-18 - Mark 9:1-29

In Leviticus God gave strict instructions not to drink the blood of an animal because it is forbidden and unclean. He also told what unlawful sexual relationships are and a list of people not to have sexual relationships with.

Jesus transfigured before Peter, James, and John. God spoke through the clouds, "This is my son, whom I love. Listen to him!" Jesus drove the spirit out of a little boy and jesus told the boy's father, Everything is possible to whom believes.

Day 62 --- Leviticus 15-16 - Mark 8:22-38

Day 62 --- Leviticus 15-16 - Mark 8:22-38

I got to put in a song I heard at church, I lost gospel music and this song is awesome. When we are about to fall apart, remember that you will ALWAYS be safe in his arms. He is my strength my comfort and I feel safe with him. My faith has blossomed and I love you God with all my heart and will never deny you.

Today I had a hard time dealing with my deployment and I don't want to be lonely. Then I remembered Jesus talking to his disciples. When the disciples doubted him, he often said, "haven't you learned nothing." I thought about that and I have learned so much about trusting God to take care of my needs. This is my promise to you Lord, that I will trust you to take care of me the next 5 months and get my family through this time. I put my faith and trust in you.

Atonement was to be conducted once a year for all the sins of the Israelites. Leviticus also talks about the different discharges of female/male and how do conduct cleansing. In Mark 8 22-38 Jesus healed a blind man and restored his eye sight. I thought about how complicated the eyes are and even the human body, and how Jesus can heal in seconds. What a miracle. Jesus predicts his death and explains that if anyone denies him then the father will deny him. People thought of Jesus as a prophet, John the Baptist, Elijah but Peter said, "You are Christ." Then Jesus warned them not to tell anyone this.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 61 --- Leviticus 14 - Mark 8:1-21

Day 61 --- Leviticus 14 - Mark 8:1-21

Leviticus is the regulations for any infectious diseases, mildew in the house, swelling, bright spots, or rashes.

Jesus fed 4, thousand people with a few loaves of bread and a few fish. The disciples later on had no bread and began to worry. Jesus asked them if they still did not understand how he fed 5 thousand and 4 thousand with some still left over. Why were they questioning if they will go hungry. Jesus was trying to tell them to have faith in him and faith that he will provide all that they need.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 60 --- Leviticus 13 - Mark 7:14-37

Day 60 --- Leviticus 13 - Mark 7:14-37

In Leviticus it talked about infectious diseases and to let Aaron the priest determine if they need to be isolated for days away from the people.

In Mark Jesus told a parable that talked about nothing going into someone makes them unclean, it is what comes out of them. He meant that sexual immortality, theft, murder, adultery etc. comes out of someone but the things that go into someone goes into their stomach and not their heart. This has alot of meaning and makes you self aware that what you do makes you unclean and the things that are done upon you do not.

Day 59 --- Leviticus 11-12 - Mark 7:1-13

Day 59 --- Leviticus 11-12 - Mark 7:1-13

The Lord said to Aaron and Moses to tell the Israelites the unclean and clean animals that are acceptable to eat. He told them the certain types of animals to be sacrificed and eaten. Leviticus 12 talked about the purification after childbirth.

The Pharisees questioned Jesus about why his disciples ate with out their hands cleaned. Jesus told them they had let the commandments of God go and are holding the traditions of men.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 58 --- Leviticus 8-10 - Mark 6:30-56

Day 58 --- Leviticus 8-10 - Mark 6:30-56

Moses and Aaron went into the Tent meeting, blessed the people and the glory of god appeared in front of all the people. Fire came out of the presence of God and consumed the burnt offerings and fat portions on the altar. When the people saw this, they fell face down and shouted for joy.

In Mark, Jesus fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and two fish. After everyone was fed, there was still some left over. GOD WILL PROVIDE. Jesus walked onto to water and calmed the waters. He got into the boat and the disciples were amazed. Jesus told them not to be afraid.

Day 57 --- Leviticus 6-7 - Mark 6:1-29

Day 57 --- Leviticus 6-7 - Mark 6:1-29

The Lord gave Moses regulations on Mount Sinai on grain, burnt, sin, guilt, ordination, and fellowship offering.

Jesus sent out his 12 disciples to rid evil spirits in people. Then it talks about John the Baptist and how he was beheaded for the daughter of Herodias. John the Baptist rose from the dead after the disciples put him in a tomb.